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Design Trends Shaping the Future

5 min read
interior design trends

With the events of COVID-19, there has been much speculation as to how the world is going to change as we come out of the pandemic. One area of life that is expected to see a major overhaul is the way we live and our homes. It is predicted that the future of interior design will incorporate more outdoor living space, see an emphasis on sustainability and place importance on originality.

Focus on indoor-outdoor living

As a result of COVID-19, people now appreciate quality time with their family and friends more than ever. It is predicted that indoor-outdoor living and alfresco dining will become increasingly popular in the many years to come. It will be a key consideration for many individuals building homes or renovating. Indoor-outdoor living features an open living area, kitchen area and dining area that opens up to the backyard. In these spaces, it is easy to entertain or watch the kids play outside while you do some cooking or cleaning.

Emphasis on sustainability

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the world came to a stop, we all saw the effects that we have truly had on our environment. China saw blue skies for the first time in years when factories had to close. In Italy, the water in Venice’s canals became clear. It was strikingly obvious that we have been treating our surroundings poorly for too long. These events also gave people hope, however, as we saw how quickly our ecosystem can bounce back. Individuals and corporations are expected to look towards making better choices moving forward. This idea extends to the interior design industry also. Natural and organic materials are expected to become more popular. This could include a gorgeous natural timer ceiling, organic cotton bedding, or a sustainable kitchen benchtop.

Design will go digital

Online interior design tools will become common. Virtual technology that allows you to see a new kitchen or couch in your own space can provide added convenience for both designers and customers. You will be able to see your choice of timber wood stain, a new lounge, or a kitchen layout before you make any significant purchases. Furthermore, online design services will become more popular, where you can send off a room and design brief, and an interior designer will come up with a plan for you. There are already several services that operate this way, including Havenly, Modsy and Homepolish. These pioneers in technology have truly paved the way for the future.

Focus on organic over synthetic

Synthetic fabrics are materials that will become a way of the past. Organic timber cladding, organic bed sheets, curtains and rugs are expected to be in high demand. Not only are these materials better for our environment, they are less harmful to us. Toxic dyes and chemically treated materials can cause issues such as skin irritation when used in bedding. Furthermore, using natural and organic fabrics and materials can make a home look far more expensive and luxurious. These fabrics are likely to feature across various social media platforms, as influencers promote these products.

Originality is key

With so many affordable furniture and décor options on the market now, pieces must be original to really attract buyers. To make a design statement, vintage furniture or custom-made pieces are ideal. Whether you are designing for yourself, or an investment property, finding unique designs will impress those that are welcomed into the space. Property management services have said time and time again, if you want to increase resale value or rent out your home at a higher price, originality is key. Home is where the heart is, so designing a space that people can emotionally connect with is essential to maximise profits when renting out a home or selling property. When looking at your property finance funds, spending a little extra money on the interiors can win over buyers, and ultimately will determine re-sale value.

Vintage styles will come back

Vintage is becoming extremely popular with interior designers. With so many companies like IKEA, Fantastic Furniture and Kmart releasing bulk made, affordable furniture, pieces need to be original to really make a statement. The term ‘vintage’ is very broad when it comes to interior design. In order to be classified as vintage, an item must be at least twenty years old. Vintage incorporates a range of different trends and eras and does not just represent one style. It could include retro pieces from the 1960s, art deco items from the 1920s, or hippie furnishings from the 1970s. Designers may even choose to use a mix of different styles to make a home quirky and interesting. Vintage furniture and décor really allow you to stand out from the crowd and create a space that is completely original.

Social media will be a heavy influencer

Social media affects many industries including fashion, cosmetics and the fitness sector. The interior design industry is not exempt from the influence of social media. Interior designers and furniture makers are increasingly using platforms such as Instagram and YouTube to promote their products and projects. A prime example of interior designers that know how to harness the power of social media are Three Birds Renovations. These Aussie girls ‘broke the internet’ with their beautiful renovations and clever layout ideas. These platforms are an inexpensive tool to use for marketing and consumer outreach. Not utilising these platforms efficiently will ultimately hurt your business going forward into the future.

Interior design enthusiasts and professional designers can look forward to a future of innovation and change when it comes to interior design trends. Whether it involves using ground-breaking technology, better utilising social media platforms, creating more original spaces, or focusing on the importance of sustainability; we can all look forward to new and exciting trends. As the world starts to slowly move out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will begin to see changes implemented across both commercial and residential spaces. We will all just have to wait and see what the future of interior design will bring!